Friday, February 12, 2010

The beginning

I do not even know where to begin this blog.  Here I am sitting in my bedroom in Australia watching the "idiot box" (the local word for television...makes me feel great for having it on) and eating Thins (Australian potato chips).  I can't believe this is real and I am actually in Australia and over 10,000 miles away from home (I have now turned off the idiot box).  Since I last write a lot has happened.  Photos have been uploaded on my facebook page if anyone is interested.  I went out for my first meal in the city Tuesday night with some of the girls who have turned out to be the ones I am spending the majority of my time with.  The meal was delicious, we picked a great place for our first time out.  I had risotto with sausage, peas, tomatoes, and leak with a glass of kissing bridges red wine.  I was exhausted from the jet lag and we had to be up early the next morning so after dinner I pretty much passed out.

The next morning is when the real adventure began.  We left the city at about 9:30am and went maybe 2hrs down the coast to a boy scout camp.  There we dropped off our things, changed and repacked our bags for our surfing excursion.  It took us a little while to find the beach where our lesson was located but at the first beach we stopped at some of the girls and I played cricket with some Aussies.  It is the weirdest game I have ever played by far.  You are at bat until you get out and I had to resist the urge to run around the bases after I hit the ball.  It was an interesting experience though and something I knew I wanted to do seeing as I am a sport management major!  Later, when we finally arrived at the right beach, we put on our wet suits and got a mini on land tutorial to surfing before we strapped on our leash and jumped into the ocean.  Surfing was so much fun.  I feel like I picked it up fairly quickly and I actually stood up a few times.  Some of the girls and I plan to go again over our spring break.  the girls that I am hanging out with all really want to travel around a lot while they are here, as do I, so I am glad I met them!

After surfing we went on a hike before dinner.  Right in the beginning of our hike we had our second kangaroo spotting and this time we tried to get close.  They are such fascinating animals.  I really want to pet one.  Anyways, we found a narrow trail that lead down the mountain.  We eventually hopped a fence off the side of the trail and found some amazing views of cliffs breaking off into the Pacific Ocean/ Tasman Sea.  It literally felt like we were at the end of the .  I had a great time.  

Later that night as everyone was splitting off into their own cabins we had our first spider siting! It was very large and very scary looking.  This boy Matt (who ironically goes to Ithaca) got it out of the cabin for the girls that lived there.  When we went back to our cabin the girls and I did a quick search not finding anything but I was still pretty nervous!  I slept with my shoes and coat on!  When I woke up the next morning I lifted the curtain next to my top bunk to see what the weather was doing and as I was putting the curtain back down I saw a HUGE spider right there, 2 feet away.  I freaked out and jumped out of my bed and then took a picture.  I am OK with not camping there again.

Today was a pretty exciting day.  we had a meeting this morning which was uneventful.  After the meeting the fgirls (Emily, Ali, Chelsea, and Brittany) went to the Victorian Market.  It is this huge open air market that sells everything from fresh fruits and veggies to leather jackets, to live chickens (which Emily knows how to kill and cook) to souvenirs etc.  Basically anything you want you can buy.  It was amazing.  So we did a little shopping and then headed back to the village.  Tonight will be our first night going out with a bunch of people.  I am pretty excited!  We are going to have some "goone" I think that is how it is spelled but either way it is boxed wine =]  It should be an exciting night on the town!

I decided to end each blog with a few new words that I have learned seeing as there is a slang word for everything you can ever imagine.  It is almost like a different language and when people talk fast I can't always understand them. I have heard so many I don't even remember most of them but anyways, here are a few:

Serv-o = gas station
Doona = comforter 
No worries = thank you/ it's ok
Off his/her face = drunk ex: lainie was off her face at the bar last night
Sunnies = sunglasses
Barrack = to cheer for ex: I barrack the NY Giants

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