Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The most epic road trip EVER.

On Sunday night I arrived back at RMIT village at about 10pm.  I exhausted yet the excitement that was still coursing through my body would not let me sleep.  I had just gotten back from probably the best day of my life.

It all started at 9AM Saturday.  Chelsea, Emily, and I woke up ready to go on a roadtrip which our friend Kevin had planned.  We didn't see anyone outside yet so we waited.  Finally our friend Hugh, who was also going on the trip, came up to us and told us it would be another hour.  Another hour later we found out we were going to have to wait longer.  So we did for a little.  Then we found out it was going to be even longer.  I was starting to get a feeling that the lack of planning may effect the trip and I have to say I was having my doubts.  Regardless of  what the boys were saying ("they will be here in another hour, just one more hour...) Em, Chels, and I went to the grocery store.

So with 6 people in each car, a bow of whine, some gummies, and a box of snack-o's later we were ready to go!  We hit yet another bump on the way when we got pulled over for having too many people in the car.  No worries mate we waited at the McDonalds down the road while 2 people went to the train station to go back home.  It was a little frustrating but on the bright side the car was much more comfortable.  So we continued our journey to Anthony (one of the drivers) house.  We were spending the night there before heading back the following day on The Great Ocean Road.  When we got to his house his "mum" was there and she had bought food!  We were not expecting the elaborate dinner which she had made.  We had a barbie, because that's what Aussies do.  It was great to be in a house again.  We sat around the table talking for a while.  Anthony's mom made us all taste Vegemite.  Vegemite is some Australian paste-like thing that they put on toast, usually with butter.  It tastes like salt and yeast.  They love it so much but I just do NOT get it.  I will be bringing some home for anyone who is interested in tasting it.

We woke up the following morning refreshed and ready to go.  I had no idea what we were in store for.  Our car had Anthony, Hugh, Emily, Chels, and me in it.  It was an excellent car ride just because the people were so much fun to be around.  We embarked on a 13 hour road trip which involved many stops.  The first stop we made was at a beach in Warrnambool which is the town Anthony is from.  It was exciting because a triathalon was starting while we were there.  Besides the excitement of the race, the views were amazing!  There were rocks all around the ocean and we, OK mainly me, climbed all over them.  It was so much fun!  From there we headed off to the best part of the entire trip (in my mind).  We went to Cudgee which is kind of like an animal conservation farm.  We held koalas!!!!

 It was amazing.  They are so soft and cute.  They have very sharp claws though so you must be careful.  We had to hold the koala on a blanket so it didn't get us.  The baby koala was happy as long as he had his drugs ;)  He sat and ate leaves the whole time while we took turns holding him and taking millions of pictures.  Another really cute animal was following us all around while we were looking at the other animals.  A baby kangaroo!  This kangaroo was almost like a dog or a cat.  he loved to be pet and hopped behind us everywhere we went.  I loved petting him.  He liked to bite my hair!  I really wanted to take him home with me.  It was awesome.  There were also some monkeys there who seemed really nice.  One monkey spotted a bird on top of his cage and moved quicker than I knew a monkey could.  Before you knew it he had caught the bird and was eating it!  It was kind of gross but cool at the same time.  I did not know monkeys could hunt like that.

So the next stop on our journey was at London Bridge.

It used to all be connected but then the middle part fell down.  It made me think of the song "London Bride is falling down, falling down...".  It was really beautiful to see.  The water was way bluer than I thought it would be too.  It really was gorgeous even though the sun was not out while we were there it didn't even matter.  The cliffs just come to an end where the water begins.  It seems to be the end of the world which it kind of is seeing as there is not much south until you hit the south pole.  very cool experience.  From here we drove about 2 minutes down the road and stopped at another look-out point but I do not remember what the name of it was.  here is a picture of that:

The next stop was 12 Apostels.  There used to be 12 rocks standing up but I believe there were only 7 now. Again they were very cool to see.  Here are pictures of that:

After looking at the beautiful rocks for a while, they were just amazing to see I couldn't get enough of them, we attempted to get to a canopy walk in the rainforest before it closed.  I loved how we were driving down the coast and then all of the sudden we were in the rainforest!  It was awesome.  Well their rainforest is not exactly what I would picture a rainforest but it was way awesome anyways.  The canopy walk ended up being kind of expensive so we just kept driving around on a winding road through the forest.  eventually we stopped and climbed around for a while in the trees.   It was so much fun.  I took a million more pictures.  From there we drove to yet another beach to take more pictures.  I will find out the names of these beaches at some point!  We headed off to another beach and on the way I saw a million views.  We were driving right next to the ocean it was really great to see the coast.  It is nothing like the East Coast of America that's for sure.  We finally got to the last town/ beach.  Some of the group wanted to go to dinner but I was not hungry along with Kevin, David (from Paris!) and Laura, so we decided to swim in the ocean while the others ate.  It was freezing out but I had so much fun.  Once we were in the water it wasn't that bad but when we got out it was very cold yet again.  

That was our last stop which was sad =[  it had been a long exciting day though and I was tired.  We headed back to RMIT so we could get a good nights sleep before our first week of classes.  I will write again soon about classes but for now that is all.  I know I tried to put into words the most amazing day of my life.  I doubt that I explained it that well compared to how awesome it truly was.  Anyways thanks for reading and I will write again soon!

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